Catherine King: by Hugo and Ollie


Name: Catherine King

DOB: 14 April 1979

Place of birth: Sydney, Australia

Occupation: Communications Specialist and Strategist 

1. Did you always know you wanted to become a mom?

I am a pretty maternal person. Even as a kid, I was always taking care of other kids! The role feels quite natural and instinctive.

2. What brings you joy when you are having a bad day?

Quiet moments of grace.

3. What are your favourite mid-week dinner treats?

Due to the pinch of time, we stick with the usuals and mix in some small indulgences - like fancy butter, good quality chocolate or anything smoked. But currently, it’s a treat if our three-year-old eats without a commotion.

4. What are some items in your life you cannot live without?

Lists. Headphones. Spanks.

5. How do you grow your creativity? 

I reckon it's a mix of different passions feeding off each other. It’s coming across new and foreign things. It’s allowing myself time to deeply contemplate and let my mind wander. I'm forever curious, and that means that I often mesh well with people who are the same. And with the constant reminder that I may die at any time. Too dark? 

6. What are some grocery items that are in your basket every single week?

In addition to good staples (fresh fruit, herbs and veggies), it would be things that give me the flexibility to go with the flow (anchovies, tuna, chickpeas, tinned tomatoes, a block of parmesan, tofu, yoghurt and chilli flakes for the win). I'm deepening my Chinese repertoire while also learning more Italian and Middle Eastern recipes. So it really changes every week. 

7. What has surprised you most about being a mom?

How much you fall in love with your kids... how much dedication discipline demands… how time-efficient you get... how Motherhood can give you a new sense of meaning. Oh, and how they literally follow you everywhere until one day they grow up and suddenly don’t. 

8. What are your favourite indulgences?

Late nights when everyone is asleep and the house is still. Stretching. Sleep ins. A cup of tea in bed with the windows open and the breeze blasting in. Discovering really good music. Online rabbit holes. Finding my kids taking a nap in my bed. Dr Hauschka almond soothing body cream, it smells delicious. Alone eating. Liberally applying face creams that may or may not work.

9. How has your working-life changed since becoming a mom? 

I became a Mum quite early on and it was hard being a single Mum in quite a cut-throat industry. The lesson for me was that I can’t have everything I want at the same time. Something’s always gotta give.

10Is there a moment or event that radically changed the way you saw the world?

I became a single mother really unexpectedly when I was 28. I was suddenly on my own with a two-year-old and no safety net and remember how exposed and quietly terrified I felt. I focused on my job and being a Mum and there came a time when Hugo was around seven when I thought, "I’ve done it, I’ve made it so far and we’re both ok"

11. What is one thing you are loving right now?


12. What are your most important values?

A heady mix of self direction, achievement and benevolence with a good dose of hedonism. 

13. How do you ground yourself in stressful times?

  • Rationally - staying organised and focusing on what I realistically have the power to change. 
  • Stupidly - insomnia, under or overeating, overworking. 
  • Spiritually - meditating, knowing that this too, shall pass. 
  • Emotionally - writing, dancing and being with my people.

Catherine wears Verse Two Letters 18-Karat Gold Necklace 

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Film photography: Hugo (15) Ollie (3)