
Tori Bowman Johnson : by Hamish and George
My biggest challenge is letting myself off the hook. I never just ‘sit down’ when an opportunity presents itself and I deeply regret it every so often. The reason I feel deterred from sitting and rest is due to guilt … if I sit down and relax, my mind starts to spin! I should be working, I should be washing, I should be helping my friend, I should be calling my Nan, I should be playing with my kids. 
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Alice Frawley: By Vivi, Alice, and Hugo
"Hugo proposed on my birthday during covid in 2020. A couple of months later, I was pregnant with Vivi. It really signifies a big year of growth for us as a couple and family. Equally cherished is my Verse necklace which now has both my babies initials on it. I don’t wear a lot of jewels but these two are worn every day."
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Model Phoebe Ghorayeb photographed on 35mm film by her children Valentina, Siddy and Zaki for Verse Fine Jewellery Mother Blog
"I think by just accepting that this is our life right now and riding the wave as best we can, this in itself offers me some kind of clarity and understanding that soon enough we will get to turn a new page. Looking after your mental health is not about being in a constantly good state of mind but being able to navigate the tough times as well."
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